The residential water softening process is called ion exchange. The heart of a residential water softener is a mineral tank. ... Water softeners have a separate brine tank that uses common salt to create this brine solution. In normal operation, hard water moves into the mineral tank and the calcium and magnesium ions move to the beads, replacing sodium ions.
Where Your Water Comes From
Water is seemingly everywhere. You can pass by a local beach on your way to work and see ships sailing on the lake. You can feel it on your skin during a warm spring rain.
You can turn on the faucet in your kitchen right now to wash a bowl of vegetables or fruit. We drink water, bathe in it, and cook with it. Our
Where Your Water Comes From
Water is seemingly everywhere. You can pass by a local beach on your way to work and see ships sailing on the lake. You can feel it on your skin during a warm spring rain.
You can turn on the faucet in your kitchen right now to wash a bowl of vegetables or fruit. We drink water, bathe in it, and cook with it. Our easy access to water makes it appear nearly limitless.
Although water comprises 70% of Earth, only one percent of water is fresh and usable. This one percent of water comes from lakes, rivers, or the ground. Your water either comes from a public source (water treatment facilities) or from a private source (wells). And this water is the result of Earth’s water cycle.
The commercial water softening process is called ion exchange. The heart of a commercial water softener is a mineral tank. ... Commercial water softeners have a separate brine tank that uses common salt to create this brine solution. In normal operation, hard water moves into the mineral tank and the calcium and magnesium ions move to the beads, replacing sodium ions.
Hard water contains impurities such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and other minerals dissolved as the water passes through limestone. It leaves mineral deposits on plumbing, appliances, and the inside of water pipes and the minerals in hard water react with soap to form soap scum in your shower and a dull film on your dishes. The same reaction causes clothes to wear out faster when you wash them. Ace Technical analyzes your water for hardness and impurities, and recommends the best system and water softeners for your house in Midland & Odessa.
How A Water Softener Works
Ace Technical's water softeners replace the ions of magnesium and calcium in the water with another type of ion such as sodium. A water softening system consist of two tanks, one filled with resin beads and the other with salt water (brine). As water flows into your home through the resin beads, magnesium and calcium ions attach themselves to the beads and are replaced in the water by sodium ions.
When the sodium ions on the beads have been depleted, the tank goes through a regeneration cycle. First, the beads are flushed to remove dirt and other impurities. Then salt water from the brine tank washes around the beads and replaces the calcium and magnesium with new sodium ions. Finally, clean water flushes the brine out of the beads.
Ace Technical's Types of Water Softeners
Three types of regulators are available for water softening systems:
* Timer- The regenerations cycle takes place at regular scheduled intervals.
* Computer-The system regenerates based on the amount of water usage.
* Mechanical- A water meter triggers regeneration when a certain amount of water has passed through the system.
Don't worry, the quantity of sodium in the treated water is very low.
Buy A Water Softener For Your Home From Ace Technical
You will see and feel the difference when you install a water softening system:
*Shampoo and soap produce a generous lather, and your skin and hair feels softer and moister after a bath.
*Dishes in your dishwasher will be free of spots and films.
*No soap scum or mineral deposits on your tubs, sinks and showers.
To learn more about water softeners, call Ace Technical at 432-570-9995
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